What did you do in 2013 that you’d never done before?Signed closing papers on a House!!
And living married life as a *civilian wife* hahaha
The hubby got out of the Army June 2013.. It's been a weird adjustment for sure!
Did you keep your new years’ resolutions?
Will you make more for next year?I don't really DO resolutions.. I feel like your setting yourself up to fail..
Will you make more for next year?I don't really DO resolutions.. I feel like your setting yourself up to fail..
However this year, my husband has requested that we read the Bible together.. Couldn't say no that ONE!!! And my lovely sister Katy, we will be doing an AB fit challenge that only lasts a month!! So I guess maybe those could be resolutions!
Did anyone close to you give birth?
Yes! I dear friend of mine who had givin' up ever having a child had her sweet little baby in October!
Did anyone close to you die?Nope...
What countries did you visit?
Nope no new countries!!
Hahaha states yes... Iowa, Tennessee, and Alabama... Sometimes it seems like a different country down here though!!
What would you like to have in 2014 that you lacked in 2013?A van... *My dream car.. sad I know!*
A place to entertain outside and be able to hangout in, even when there are a sh*t load of bugs outside! Something like this:
What date from 2013 will remain etched upon your memory?May 6th, Miss Bugs' 1st birthday!
June 15th Signing closing papers on our FIRST home..
June 23rd Hubby's ETS date out of the military.
What was your biggest achievement of the year?Bahahaha NOT killing my husband after we moved to Alabama in the middle of a hot, sticky, icky summer.. With a butt-load of HUGE bugs!!
Naw kidding about the killing my husband... Umm... Getting through the house buying process with out killing each other! It was touch and go there the last few days... It was HORRID!
Did you suffer illness or injury?Nope, nothing major... Thank God...
What was the best thing you bought?Ummm our house.. Sorry lots about our new home.. Can't help it.. Sometimes it doesn't feel real that it's really ours.. Well until we have to pay for fixes like our leaky chimney then it feels pretty real! hahahaha
Where did most of your money go?
House, Bills, GROCRIES.. *groceries down south are hellish expensive...*
Gas for the car, and
Coffee whenever we can get it *like once a week or once every other week!*
What did you get really, really, really excited about?
Watching my daughter learning and growing up.. She is my little sunshine for sure..
I am amazed at how smart and funny she is!
Seems like after we found out that we were moving to Alabama I kept hearing this song EVERYWHERE!!
Compared to this time last year, are you:
Happier or sadder?A little of both I think...
Happier or sadder?A little of both I think...
Happier about some things
and sadder about others..
Thinner or fatter?Thinner! Breastfeeding and yeah... It just came off and shockingly has STAYED off.. even after I stopped nursing!!
Richer or poorer?Sometimes I feel like we are richer.. other times.. eh it feels like we are poorer!
What do you wish you’d done more of?Taken more pictures,
blogged more,
laughed more,
cared less about what other's thought of me!!!
What do you wish you’d done less of?Stressing and worrying about money, bugs and family!!!
Did you fall in love in 2013?
Yes... I fell in love with my Hubby all over again this year. I have seen him become a better husband and a better Daddy...
Who are your best friends?-Mom
What thing did you do that was meaningful to others?Ummmm not sure!!
Hahahahaha no really, I don't know if I did anything that was super meaningful to others..
What were your favorite TV programs?
Grey's Anatomy; Army Wives; Gilmore Girls...
Grey's Anatomy; Army Wives; Gilmore Girls...
All Netflix baby!
What was the best book you read in 2013?The Wednesday Letters..
By Jason F. Wright.
What was your greatest musical discovery?
Carly Rae Jepsen;
Carly Rae Jepsen;
the Pitch Perfect Sound Track..
Owl City
What were your favorite films this year?FROZEN!! Tis an amazing movie!! I loved EVERY second of it, so did the Buggy!!!
What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?28 years of life and I had a quiet birthday at home with my Hubby and my lovely little daughter!
What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
Nothing... 2013 was full to the brim of good and bad... I wouldn't trade any of it, cause it has molded me into the person that I will be in 2014!!
What political issue stirred you the most?OBAMA CARE!!! Need I say more...
Who do you miss? My Momma.. and My Sis Katy! They both live "only" 4 hours away. In Tennessee! BUT sometimes that seems like a long time!!
Who are the best new persons you met this year?My niece Christine! She and I text like fends everyday.. And she has become a great friend!
Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2013.To carry a BIG fly swatter and learned how to kill with one solid BLOW!!
Those dang bugs don't have a chance!!
Quote that sums up your year:
~*~Be Blessed and Be A Blessing~*~
What made 2013 memorable for you?
Let me know in a comment!
Woo hoo! Love the shout outs to me! I literally forget you're my "aunt" lol. Actually I usually just ignore that you are because we feel way more like friends! Big year for you and hope your new year is even better! :)
ReplyDeleteMegan, thanks so much for participating in the link-up. Congrats on the new house too, sounds like 2013 was a blessing-filled year and I hope the same is true for '14. =)