Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Christmas Parade and A Few Other Fa-La-La-La's...

Last night was our first Christmas parade with Miss Bug! Needless to say..
SHE LOVED IT!!! She had this huge cheese-ie grin from the first float to the last!
She sat on her Daddy's shoulders pretty much the whole time..
Her favorite part was the 3 marching bands!! She would start moving to the rhythm and start beating her Daddy's head like a drum it was TOO FREAKING CUTE!!!
*warning tis a bit picture heavy*

The last two floats she wanted Momma to hold her...
It was warm....How weird is that?!?
I was wearing my heavy jacket but no gloves.. And I was maybe too warm!!?? 
And on a Monday night, how weird is that???!!!
Any other Christmas parade I have been to was during the day and on a weekend...
Hahahaha I guess I'm still getting used to these southern ways..
Here are a few more fun little things!
Bought this basket the other day, at the super thrift store..
get this for $1.97......

Bought this at the same time...
For $3.00 It now is the home for my red stripped straws!

The amazing wreath The Hubby made!!
Yes I know he is VERY talented!

And yep... It wouldn't be my blog unless I posted my latest iced coffee
craze! YUMMMMM-O!
Peppermint Iced Coffee.
Also we did a small photo shoot with us and The Hubby's tripod..
 To take pictures for our Christmas cards.. To say the least, that was ummm interesting! hahahaha seriously, out of like 20 shots 2 are only in the running! Miss Bug was EVERYWHERE and she started pitching fits in between the shots!!
These are the two in running!
Photo 1

Photo 2

And just because I can... My two favorite random pictures:
Her favorite thing to-do is to do this and wave her hands in the air!
One of these days, she's gonna do a summersault!!  

Daddy snapped this one of her.... I love her cute-ness!!!
Alrighty my lovely blog-ie friends..
As Always...
~Be Blessed and Be A Blessing~
~*~Joyeux Noel~*~


  1. I love her cuteness too! I can't even handle it lol. Love how excited she was about the parade! And gotta love thrifty finds..especially ones that house striped straws. :)

    As for the Christmas card photo..I think I like the second one the best. But I like them both so either way you can't go wrong!

  2. Hello Megan. So glad you dropped by our blog today. What a sweet little girl you have there. Such a lovely family!

    I should try some of your coffee creamers. We are a coffee loving family and I'm sure the kids would enjoy some sweet delights in their coffee :-)

    Your Christmas pictures came out so cute. I love your jazzy outfit too!

