Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, February 5, 2010

Guest Bedroom, Office, and Army Catch-All........

So as you can see by the title if you were to come a visit my husband and me, this is where you would be staying... In our guest Bedroom, Office, Army Catch-All room!

The bed and night stand we got as a set with the dresser that is in our room. And the quilt I made a few years back. It was supposed to be a queen size however, it fits better on the twin bed.
Our "office" space is a desk...... Not much office space but oh well!

As for the Army Catch-All.... Well when one joins the Army you get issued a ton and I mean A TON OF GEAR! It's kinda crazy how much he has!
Hummm.... My most favorite thing in the room.... A picture of my husband in his ACU's(Army Combat Uniform)! I can't help it I love My Man in his uniform!

1 comment:

  1. Nice Pic, and that is quite a BUT-load of Army Surplus. you could open your very own Army Surplus store.
