Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

June 21...First Day of Summer......

So to celebrate the first day of summer, my friend *Renee* and I went to the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo! What great and wonderful fun we had. True it is a wee bit price-y to get in, but with our military discounts it was worth it! *The Military is good for somethings!* Anyway, with nearly 150 acres of gorgeous mountain terrain and more then 700 animals-including 30 endangered species... I must say we had a most wonderful time hanging out and looking at the animals!

First off we saw the giraffes... you can feed them too and have their long black tongues touch you! LoL... So much fun I think this giraffe is giving me some attitude... What do you think?

We saw "Pumba" from the Lion King!
(LoL.. ugly little warthog..)

Then we saw "Tamoan* and all his little relatives!
*Dig a tunnel, dig, dig a tunnel. Dig a tunnel dig a deeper tunnel.. STOP!! "BLINK, BLINK"*

These are the ummm IN-TER-EST-ING animals... God truly does have a sense of humor! Renee and I just giggled when you saw these two!
~An Okapi~

~A Mountain Tapir~

The *de-skunked* Skunk named "Tiger Lily" She was sooooo cute! Who know skunks could be so darn cute?!?! LoL...

Elephant! I want one.... Renee said I should ask my husband before getting one... Hummm What do you think he will say?!?!

A crocodile.. He was lookin' mighty cranky, I think he took a cranky pill this mornin'...

A wal... a wal... a waliby.. So Cute! <spelling?>


A very lazy Tiger.

A porcupine... who surprisingly enough looks like a certin someone that Renee and I both know from the Army! *name not showen to protect US!*

An up close and personal picture of the funny little porcupine... My question is what has he been eating?!?!?!

So it took me forever to find the "wolf" then I took a picture of him and he blends in very well.. Can you spot the wolf in this picture!?!?!?! Good Luck!

Who.... Who...... Whoo do you think this is? LoL a Barn Owl... She is so pretty.

*LOOK!!! IT'S REALLY ME!!!!* Hahahaha Leamer!

So Renee begged me to take a pic of this monkey and lable it *Aaron* I guess she thinks this looks like her hubby! LoL... I guess I can see it... Maybe..

However with this guy, I swear I have seen this look a few times! Either about work or about not having anything to-do! *cough......sputter....choke.....shawn....* lol

'A Kamodo Dragon... So kill me I don't remember how to spell! So how about this... REALLY REALLY BIG LIZARD.... I know my sister Becca would LOVE one for a pet! <3

A huge and when I say huge I mean a big fat African Bull Frog.... *ribbit....ribbit*

Can anyone say pinguin?

Here is my tribute to Oregon... I made sure to tell these Beavers that if they were to ever visit Oregon that Oregon provides parking for all Beavers! hehehehe

A cute.... little monkey... He was sooooo little!

A Peacock...

~*~*~HIPPOS~*~*~ Aren't they cute?!?!

Renee with her body-gaurd that her husband hired, while he is deployed! Hello meet Mr.Bear! LoL...

Me... Need I say more? I think this picture says EVERYTHING!

The sky line right outside the Zoo....

A MUSHROOM!!!!!!! You can climb on it! I wanted to.... But sadly I didn't.... I should act my age, not my shoe size... There were others TOO!

A carasol! What fun.... $2.00 per person to ride.... Very popular with the little kids!

A beaded monkey that Renee LOVED however at $30.00 it was to much money! LoL... But isn't he oh so cute?!?! Gotta LOVE gift shops!

Well that was our trip to the zoo! Hope you enjoyed the pictures...

Be Safe! Be Blessed and Be A Blessing!

1 comment:

  1. Cute beaded monkey! Too bad its not an authentic African made beaded animal. Bead and wire animals are an original African art form which has been copied in China.
