Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Red, White and Blue.. Part Two......

So a few posts back I told you about a quilt that my husband had picked out fabric for and created a simple pattern for as well. Well I am well on my way to starting this quilt... I have run into a few snags here and there. Some with measurements and angles, however... the worst snag I have run into... I am short.. *No NO NO.... Not that kind of short!* I mean I admit I'm not model tall, but I'm not short wither. hehehehe... No I am short on fabric. About 5 yards in all... However if that wasn't hard enough to deal with, for one I sorta forgot which store we got the fabric from we have 4 wal-marts and 2 Jo-Anns here. I know we visited quite a few of those stores to find the fabric. But I that's not the only thing... I pre-washed the fabric like my momma taught me. Well I washed it all together thinking that , oh they will end up being washed together anyway, I might as well wash them together now.. Well the blue leaked.. And all three colors sorta combind. So now it's made it hard to re-match the fabric.... Oh well, you live and learn I guess... I know I have found the right blue, and cream fabric.. It's the red that I'm having issues finding.. Then when I finally find the red and buy it, I will pre-wash all those together so then the colors will look the same.... I HOPE!

Anyway, here are some pics of my progress!
~Here is the cream (white) sections... I have 60 squares cut out. I need 100! So I have 40 more squares to go.~

~Here are my red tri-angles... I have 81 of these... Only 19 to go... I'm so excited..~

~Here is the blue! I only have 51 of these cut out... I need 49 more...~

~This is the first finished square. I an sewing things backwards so to say, I am going to have all the seams un-ravel. My husband loves the *country, rustic look... And so I thought of sewing it like so...~

I will keep you posted on my wonderufl progress!!
~Be Safe! Be Blessed and Be A Blessing!~

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