Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, February 12, 2011


Akkkkk I wish my man was home... Gurrr why couldn't the suicidal squirrel WAIT just a few more weeks to go and DIE! I mean really.... I was standing there washing dishes after making a very YUMMY *Chicken Curry Salad* and I notice this BIG furry thing just laying on my concrete patio.. I'm like "Uhhhhh..." What the heck it THAT?!?!?! I got out and investigate and to my surprise it's a squirrel that is dead, nothing looks wrong with him.. No wounds that I could see, no decapitation... Just pathetically laying there, with it's eyes open! So I go get the snow shovel, and I'm like okay I can do this... I go to scoop it up and it... *shivers* it... is still movable.. I couldn't do it... I just couldn't. Alas, so I left it over night. Since it's been getting down into the single digits thought I would be able to handle it better once it was a squirrel-cycle... NOPE!!!! Still laying there... I went out this morning and JUST COULDN'T DO IT!!! UGH!!!!!!!!!!!! I HATE BEING SUCH A GIRL ABOUT THIS.... WHY CANT I JUST SCOOP THE DARN THING UP AND DEAL WITH IT?!?! Sigh.... So it looks like I have two well no three choices...

1. Man up, and scoop the darn thing up and trash it....

2. Go over to my next door neighbor, bat my blue eyes at him and ask him to help me...

3. Wait till My Man gets home.... *Hummm not the best idea, since it will be a few weeks, and I really don't want to have to see a squirrel decomposing...*

So everyone... What do you think?!?! Let me know your thoughts on this lovely subject!

~Stay Safe! Be Blessed and Be A Blessing~


  1. He's not dying, just recovering from a massive hangover! The party got a little too wild last night.....

  2. YOU CAN DO IT! Just have a little squirrel funeral and say a few words and double bag it. I'm sure it did some good in it's life.... maybe ate some weeds or something? or at least had a fun filled life? hmmm. I really don't know much about squirrels I guess (although I do recall from my *younger* years they don't like having tennis balls batted at them much....)
    Anyway, my point is - you can do it, and will feel much better when it's done :)
    Good luck!!!
