Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Operation *Home Coming* Part 2 And A Little Late.....

So ever heard the term "Better late then never"?? Well that's life right now for me. So please bear with me as I play "catch up" with my blog! So to start off this blog, are a few pictures of my nice clean kitchen! *Ahh... Look how it shines!* LoL I left cleaning the kitchen to the very last minute. It was the night before that I cleaned it.

Pic number 2 of the clean kitchen...


Chocolate covered strawberries that I made. I am very proud of them. I thought they turned out rather well..

And just thought I would take a group picture of the two yummies together. They really do go well together.

Hehehehe... The "Welcome Home" sign I made! *He liked it!*

Our car decorated for his "Home Coming"..... That he wasn't too pleased about! LoL...

Well that's it for Part 2! Not much I know...
Sorry... Hope my next posts are a bit better!

~Stay Safe! Be Blessed and Be A Blessing!~


  1. Geez, come on, it's not like you have anything else better to do! ;-)

  2. Love the sign and the strawberries do look very yummy!
