Well with all this FUN-FILLED and EXCITING fall fan-fare going on...
I thought I should warn all y'all...
Little do you all know there is a darker side of Fall...
One that lurks in closets and under your furniture..
Even in plan sight!!!
Like on your windows that you look out and say, "oh how lovely the fall color is..."
Yes it's THAT time of year...
The time of year when you put on your grubby clothes and get down and dirty....
No really all kidding aside, being a first time home owner, things will not just be *covered* for us, like there were when we were renting....*cough! cough!* Never mind it was us taking care of that house too... Anyway way I digress! We have to proactive and remember to keep mantence up on the house inside and outside. And prep it for the upcoming winter.. Which would be a lot easier if we know what on earth winter LOOKED like down here in the *deep* south! Every person we ask, we get another story... It's warm, it's cold, there is never snow, there is dustings of snow, it never gets below 40*, we have days below 30*.... HELLO people get your stories straight!! So I guess we will just have to go with it and learn as we go!
This list does NOT have everything listed!!!
This is just what I can think of off the top of my head!
First off start from ceiling to floor..
-dust ceiling fans \ light fixtures
-wipe\dust down walls\ crown molding and base boards
-dust \ wipe down all surfaces, make sure you take books out of the book shelves.
Remove knick-knaks, frames from shelves dust those as well..
-vacuum furniture
*once a week is best..*
*once a week is best..*
-wash and hang drapes
-wash windows inside and outside
-wipe out window tracks and ceils too..
-vacuum floors\mop floors
-change out air filters
-check alarms and detectors
-change out summer bedding for winter bedding
-clean dryer venting
-pull out refrigerator and carefully vacuum the back and don't forget to wipe down that wall and clean the floor under there too.
-Clean the inside of your oven, the holidays are coming thus you will be using it more..
It should be all nice and clean and ready to use!
-wipe down the inside of all your cupboards
-and remember always organize as you go!! Throw stuff out, donate, unless you can see a use for it in the near future... Part with it...
-change out your closets and dresser drawers.. From this springy \ summery outfits to your more cozy warm outfits for fall \ winter..
-wash off \ put away patio furniture
- spray down the house to get rid of dirt and dust.. (do this BEFORE you wash your windows..)
-clean out gutters *ahem if you have them... we don't*
-get your chimney swept... Not sure if this would be an inside or outside thing!
-Clean AC unit... And make sure heating unit is in order...
-rake leaves, clean up beds, winterize your yard...
-shutoff water to your hoses \ sprinklers
Well that's about all I can think of for the moment! So now the question is... When do I FALL clean?!?! Hahaha after re-looking at the list part of me is like OMGOSH!!! I should have started last month! I will keep all y'all updated on my fall cleaning list \ projects!
~Be Blessed and Be A Blessing~
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