Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, September 20, 2013

Just A Dream......

Tonight, I am just dreaming..
 Dreaming of how I would love to be sitting out-side...
 Have a cup of spiced hot apple cider sitting beside me.. Have a candle or two lit..
The sound of the crickets and frogs going non stop... 
However, I want it to be a screened in porch. 
 So then the little creepy buggys wouldn't get to me... *shudders*
So here is a few shots on what my dream may look like!!
 I LOVE this screened in porch..
I love the rough cut lumber..
The twinkle lights hung around the perimeter..
Not a huge fan of the decking... I think I would rather have it be flagstone...
I love love love the idea of a hammock.. How amazing to read books to Miss Bug! Or to snuggle up with my Hubby... Or heck to just escape to with a good book and a yummy drink!
YES YES YES!! Love this dark wicker set and the table\tray! It's both rustic and lovely!!
Also I love how the fall colors just POP against the dark wicker! So amazing...
Need TWO of these... As well.......
And THIS for sure would be on the wall for all to read, see, and fallow!
These rules would be held to the highest of standards..
So there are a few simple shots of what My Dream may look like..
As Always..
~Be Blessed and Be A Blessing~

1 comment:

  1. I love these ideas! It'd be such a cozy little fun space to hang out in! My favorite would have to be the first picture with the strung lights and hammock!
