Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, September 18, 2013


So today was a slow day for Miss Bug and I.. We took it easy most of the morning and then during her nap time I got busy! My husband and I have two friends that #1. Just had a baby and #2. will be having their baby here in a week or so.. So he wanted me to make them baby blankets.. Thus the pink blankets! Its a good thing they don't read my blog then I couldn't post a picture..
 I did a yard of polar fleece and then did a zig-zag stitch around the blankets and then cut the fringe around the blankets about an inch or so apart..

 At the same time that we got the fabric for the blankets, my husband saw this plaid fall-ish fabric and he wanted me to make a table runner... So I did...
 Just cut the fabric into thirds width wise and then pinned two of the sections together sewed them. Then hemmed around the whole project.. All in all it was a productive afternoon...

This is my favorite picture of the day... Miss bug is wearing her Daddy's sweatshirt...
I'm pretty sure it's a perfect fit! Don't you agree!?
So that was my day... Aside for the fact that Miss Bug and I went for a walk this evening.. Me thinking it would be nice and cool... Hummm no not really it was cool-ish...But not cool. And it was still pretty humid.. I think it will be really nice once the humidity breaks! We also had some sort of small momma dog join us for about half our walk.. She was super nice and just walked beside us for about half the walk and then she just went home...I know Miss Bug enjoyed the furry-4-legged friend...
As Always..
~Be Blessed and Be A Blessing~ 

1 comment:

  1. Aww what kind of dog was it? That's so sweet. And the table runner and blankets look so good! Bahaha, Hannah kills me.
