Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

What I'm Lovin'......

Alright all y'all... This is what I'm lovin' at this moment in time!
I'm Lovin': This lovely body was and lotion that I splurged on the other day... I am trying with all my might to hold myself back from using it till the first day of Fall! Don't know how long I will be able to hold out!! hahahahaha...

I'm Lovin':WHOOP! So excited that I found these paper straws... I love using straws.. And I have been on the lookout for them... Let me tell you all a lil secret... "Hobby Lobby" You get like 24 for $4.00 They have a ton of different colors, and designs to choose from too! I'm so excited, I will for now on have colors to match the seasons and the holidays!
I'm Lovin': *SWOON* I had my very first Pumpkin Spice Frappaccino of this lovely fall season... It was super yummy... I took a sip and just drifted away on a lovely pumpkin spice high!!
I'm Lovin':  these little lovelies which I found at Target... OH MY WORD!!! They are addicting and oh-so-tastey little buggers!! Miss Bug LOVES them... She will point to the bag and sign as well as say.. please or as she says it... "leeease"
I'm Lovin': This happy little girl!
 Sometimes she is TOO cute for her own good... And SHE KNOWS IT!! Hahahahahaha
 I'm Lovin': The fact that this little girl helps me with my chours! She loves to help me vacuum... I do the main vacuuming with her following me patting the vacuum.... And then after that I hand it off to her and she will sit there and move it back and forth "helping" me!

You can't see it, but she was hugging and patting the vacuum! Bahahaha

She was helping me clean for her Grandma and Grandpa's first visit to our new Alabama home...
So both of us worked hard... Her Aunt Katy has been able to visit a few times already but this was the first time for the rest of my family.. I hope to post soon about my family's visit... Sadly I didn't get any pictures... My Dad\Grandpa got lots of pictures and said he will send me pictures in a few days... So I hope to show the off to you all!!!
So what are YOU LOVIN"?!?!?!
~Be Blessed And Be A Blessing~

1 comment:

  1. What you're loving, I'm pretty sure I'd love! ALL of it! I love pumpkin anything, my mouth is watering over the M&M's and coffee! And the body wash? I'm sure it smells heavenly. Not sure I could hold out! lol. And I have a striped straw obsession. I haven't purchased any yet but it's my mission to buy some, especially to match the upcoming holidays! And as always, Hannah kills me with cuteness and cracks me up!
