Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, February 5, 2010

The Living Room.......

The living room is the biggest room in the apartment. The couch we bought at a thrift store and then we bought some nice fuzzy blankets to go over the "ugly" couch. Our coffee table was once my "hope chest" that held a lot of the small things that are decorating our home now. However it now holds LOTS of extra blankets...

This is our entertainment center... Our t.v., CD/radio, movies, DVDs...... And lots of books!

Our newest bookshelf holds most of Shawn's college books and cook books. Since the other two book shelves were taken up by my books! We needed to buy another shelf!

This is the view outside our living room window. In the back ground you can sorta see Picks Peak. It stands at 14,110 feet... Both Shawn and I have stood on top of that peak... Pictures of that will be coming soon!

This is my favorite aspect of the living room! For our wedding I had black and white photos of both our parents on their wedding day and both sets of my grandparents, and one set of Shawn's' grandparents. I had them decorating our guest book table to sort of "Honor Our Family Tree and generations past" I also wanted to decorate our home with them in some way. Well while un-packing boxes I found this picture with this poem written on it: "Our Family is a circle of strength and love. With every birth and every union the circle grows. Every joy shared adds more love. Every crisis faced together makes the circle stronger." So Going from the top to clock-wise... My mom's parents, my Dad's parents, My parents, Shawn and I, Shawn's parents, and Shawn's mom's parents.

This was a Christmas gift from a friend of mine! *Thanks again so much Renee!*
She came with this card saying:"A guardian angel to watch over you! She was harvested from the burn area of Colorado's largest wildfire in history...the 2002 Hayman Fire. She is a feisty survivor and a symbol of hope. She was made...and given...with love!" I love it.....

Well that's it! That's our home...... I hope that you have enjoyed the mini tour of our happy little home. And please remember that you are ALWAYS WELCOME to come a visit!

Be Safe! And remember Be Blessed and Be A Blessing!

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