Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Due to, to much time to think, I have picked up a book that I have not read in a while. Daughters of Destiny By Noelle Wheeler... It's a great book, however, when I opened it what I started reading was a surprise to me... Now that I am married these lines have such a more profound meaning to them..... Anyway, sorry like the title says, this is randomness! Thanks for reading!

"The first duty of the wife is to study to be, in every way she can, the companion, the help meet, and the friend of her husband....... Persons who are perfectly companionable never weary of each other,-indeed, they are never perfectly happy while away from each other. They enter into each other's thoughts, reflect the light in each other's mind, cultivate the same tastes, pursue the same ideals, and complete each other in original or acquired knowledge.
If she is to make herself the most delightful and necessary companion to her husband. She must study him-his needs, his moods, his weak as well as his strong points. She must know how to make him forget himself when he is moody and selfish, and bring out every joyous side of his nature when he is prone to sadness." -Noelle Wheeler-

*The question of the day is... Do I do this? Am I that wife that is a delightful companion to my husband? And what boggles my mind even more is HOW do I do this when my husband is so far away and for so long? I want to be the best wife that I can be while he is gone. How do I do that? WHAT DOES IT LOOK LIKE!?!?!?! I know the foundation is to: "Trust in the Lord with all your heart; lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths..." Proverbs 3:4-5 But beyond that.... How does one accomplish such thing? Any ideas, faithful readers?

"Chivalry, to the original purity and power of which we owe the defense alike of faith, of law, and of love. . . assumes that in this rapturous obedience to the single love of youth, is the satisfaction of all man's strength, and the continuance of all his purposes. You cannot think that the buckling on of the knight's armor by his lady's hand was a mere caprice of romantic fashion. It is the type of an eternal truth-that the soul's armor is never well set to the heart unless a woman's hand has braced it; and it is only when she braces it loosely that the honor of manhood fails." -Ruskin-

"Let every true wife daily brace more and more tightly round her husband's heart, the armor of the old principals which made our fathers invincible in their long battle against error and wrong. The honor of manhood will not fail among us, so long as every wife and mother aims at being the truest helpmate." -Noelle Wheeler-

"As unto the bow the cord is,
So unto the mas is woman:
Though she bends him she obeys him;
Though she draws him, yet she follows;
Useless each without the other."

"My heart is ever at your service."

Thank you again for taking time out of your day to read my thoughts.
Be Safe! Be Blessed and Be a Blessing!

1 comment:

  1. I didn't like that book, but maybe it was becuase most of it reminded me about my "blessed" state of singelness!!=)
