Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Gearing Up For Valentine's Day...

So today after going to church and going to a friends' house for lunch and games..
My hubby took off with a friend and met up with other's to go to a HUGE Christian concert that is about 2 hours away.. So I took this opportunity to go shopping for the Hannah-Bug and the Hubby for Valentine's Day.. I will post what I got for the Hubby HOWEVER he checks my blog and I don't wanna ruin the surprise so on Valentine's Day I will be posting what I got him...
However this is what I got Hannah-Bug!!!
Gotta LOVE Target...
She will be getting a:
-Gray *Love* felt bag
-BIGGER slipper socks.. She has one pair that she loves and she has grown out of them!!!
I got them for her Dec. 2012!! She wasn't even a year old YET!!!! 
-Jewel stickers
-Watermelon Lip Smackers 
*I know I'm going to regret this I bet... But she is Always asking for mine... SO we shall see!!*
-Mini markers
-Coloring book
-Sparkle headband... 
Most of it was purchased at the $1.00 section!!!
And I splurged and bought myself a few little things...
A lovely shade of pink nail polish and a Cadbury Cream Egg!!
 Don't know why but I LOVE THEM!!!

~*~ Be Blessed and Be A Blessing~*~


  1. I make myself wait until after valentines for the cadbury eggs, but after that.....

  2. Aww, love her little Valentine's treats! Especially the Lisa Frank coloring book! Heck, I want it! lol
