Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Cripple Creek *Ice Festival*.....

Need a vacation? You may not find warm and sandy beaches here, but the 3rd Annual Cripple Creek Ice Festival will be a great way to unwind. Ice sculptors are sure to please as they transform the Cripple Creek street-scape into something you would find "Under the Sea." Sculptures will range from the mythical to the magical, and spectators that enjoy watching the ice carving are invited to join us as sculptors wield chainsaws and carving tools to create their masterpieces. This family friendly event will have several activities for children and adults, including an ice maze, an ice slide, the "Dueling Chainsaws" competitions, a martini bar, and retail and food vendors on the street and in the heated event tent. Visitors are encouraged to visit both weekends, as sculptors will be carving throughout the two weeks and additional new ice sculptures will be carved for the second weekend. Bring your snorkel, bring your flippers, and join us for an "Under the Sea" getaway at the 2010 Cripple Creek Ice Festival

Now we sadly made it up there to late to see them make any of the ice sculptures however it was still wonderful and (VERY COLD) fun! We also had the privilege of getting to go with some close friends of ours which was awesome...
*Aaron and Renee*
-Thanks again for driving in that "wonderful" weather and for dinner! it was so YUMMY!-

Here are some pictures of the amazing ice sculptures, I still don't see how one sculpts ice with a chain saw!

So sorry this one isn't so long... What can I say, the ice sculptures speak millions so I don't have to! :-) We looked around the town a little bit, went into some fun old stores.. However it is a town known for their casinos, so there were A LOT of those around, seemed like every other building was a casino. It kind of reminded me of Sisters, Oregon with they way the buildings were all old-fashioned looking...

All in all it was a really fun and enjoyable day, getting together with good friends, having a great meal at the Olive Garden, and enjoying the *REALLY COLD* outdoors!

Until next time! Be Safe! Be Blessed and Be A Blessing!

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