Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, September 24, 2010


Why is it that when I was a kid I couldn't wait to be a "grown-up"? I can remember day-dreaming in bed about how I couldn't wait to go to high-school, to go to dances, to drive, to go off to college, to get a job, to get married, to travel, to be on my own, to have kids.
And then slowly but surely I did "grow-up".. I went through high school just not in the traditional way *home-schooled*. I went to dances and even headed up dances *Civil War Era Balls*. I have learned to drive and have never gotten a ticket *knock on wood*. I didn't go to college, I was too busy with holding down jobs and traveling.. *Germany for nine months worked there as an au`pair* and I have worked at a bakery, been a midwife apprentice for about 18 months, I have worked in a restaurant, and been a nanny. I have traveled to Germany, Latvia, soon Hawaii, I have driven 2400 miles round trip on my own. I am married to my best friend and the man of my dreams. I hope to someday soon get pregnant and start our family... Now I know this sounds like a pretty good life... Believe me I know... I know I have a wonderful life and I am very much blessed beyond what I deserve. Now you maybe asking why am I posting about this?!?! Well this past week I have moved into our new home, it's pretty much set up and looking really nice.*still needs to be cleaned since moving stuff in brought in do much dust and dirt...* I hope to post pictures soon. However I am back at the apartment, to clean it and use the Internet. *my new house doesn't have a phone jack outlet.. So I'm stuck and have to wait for one to be installed.* As I "started" to clean I was thinking how much I really dis-like being the adult right now. How I wish that there was someone else who has to clean the apartment from top to bottom. Or then there's the fact that I still have to clean my home when I get back there... Or that I have to call yet another company to find out when they can get my phone jack installed. Oh yes then there's always the fact that I need to call my eclectic company and cancel the services to the apartment, however I don't want todo that till I get a phone jack installed in my new home. Because right now I am very much depending on the Internet that is hooked up in my apartment.
This past week has been insane and I have gained a much larger appreciation for my mom who has had to move multiple times and who has always had everything very organized and ran the household very smoothly. I didn't realize what a HUGE thing I was taking on when I told my husband that, "yes, I will move from our apartment to a house...."
*SIGH* well I guess I should stop ranting about the wonderfulness of being an adult and get off my rear-end and go BE the adult. So I am off to clean the apartment.... and then off to clean my house and make lots of fun phone calls!
(And yes pictures of the new home will be coming soon-ish)

~Be Safe! Be Blessed and Be A Blessing!~

1 comment:

  1. Man, I need to get ahold of an eclectic company- I never knew there was such a thing... hehe
